Historic Artists' Homes and Studios Sponsors National Symposium in April

For the first time, HAHS is a lead sponsor of a national and public symposium focused on Artists' Homes and Studios - the 7th biennial symposium of the Grant Wood Art Colony.    

Join us for A Home and Studio of One's Own, Friday, April 8 through Sunday, April 10, 2022, a symposium centered around the exploration of the homes and studios of 21st-century artists throughout the nation. 

Historic Artists' Homes and Studios is proud to serve as a co-sponsor of this event, along with the Iowa Arts Council. This convening will take place on the campus of the University of Iowa and the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, steward of HAHS member site - the Grant Wood Studio.  Opportunities for virtual attendance are also available.

Over the course of three days, we will explore how artists' environments reflect or shape an artist’s output and how they can be considered independent works of art, in their own right.

This convening is Free of Charge for both live and online attendees.

To access the full program and for registration information: CLICK HERE

Symposium Content

 A Home and Studio of One's Own will feature papers by several current and former staff members of HAHS sites - Victoria Munro, Alice Austen House (Staten Island, NY), Helen Harrison, Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center (East Hampton, NY), Lisa Stone, Roger Brown Study Collection (School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL); and one of our hosts, Sean Ulmer, the Grant Wood Studio (Cedar Rapids, IA).

Presentations by leading art historian colleagues will feature several of our other member sites including Mercer Museum and Fonthill Castle (Doylestown, PA) and Georgia O'Keeffe's properties in New Mexico (Georgia O'Keeffe Museum).

The symposium will also include presentations by Valerie Balint, Senior Program Manager, and members of our Executive and Advisory Committees, including longstanding member, Karen Zukowski, and HAHS Advisory Committee Chair, Wanda Corn. Colleagues stewarding other preserved artists' spaces (and potential future HAHS members) such as the Al Held Foundation, and the Edgar Miller Legacy will also present.

For those who plan to attend in person, these stimulating papers will be complemented by an evening event, hosted at a private studio space.

Come discover other 20th-21st-century artists who, like Grant Wood, extended their practice to creating distinctive homes and studios!

