Historic Artists’ Homes and Studios fosters ongoing dialogue around topics that advance conversation about site-specific artistic legacy by leaders in the fields of art, history, preservation and public engagement. Here, learn about what makes these places unique in the museum and historic site spheres, while also discovering the common threads which link these extraordinary places to one another.
Traveling exhibition on Saint-Gaudens and Daniel Chester French is featured in The Magazine ANTIQUES
This article discusses the exhibition “Monuments and Myths: The America of Sculptors Augustus Saint-Gaudens and Daniel Chester French” at Nashville’s Frist Art Museum until late…
HAHS Director Valerie Balint interviewed for Gagosian Quarterly, Summer 2024
The ongoing series “Building a Legacy: Historic Artists Homes and Studios” features discussions with experts in artists’ estates and legacy stewardship. Daniel Belasco and Valerie…
Historic Artists’ Homes & Studios Publishes Limited Zine on Artist Couples with Heckscher Museum
5 class=”wp-block-heading”>Two Artists, One Home: Countless Masterpieces In celebration of the 25th anniversary of their acquisition of The Dove / Torr Cottage, the Heckscher Museum…
Wanda Corn Presents “Artists’ Houses & Their Stories” at Monhegan Museum
The Monhegan Museum of Art & History’s Deci Lecture Series presents “Artists’ Houses and Their Stories,” a discussion with Dr. Wanda M. Corn and Dr.…
Artist Interview: Small but Powerful with Joe Fig
Artist Joe Fig creates realistic portrayals of artists’ studios, capturing the essence of their creative process. His miniature sculptures and paintings, including a notable portrayal…
Wanda M. Corn in Forum Journal (1998)
Wanda M. Corn’s article, “The Artist’s Workplace: An Endangered Species?” emphasizes the importance of preserving artists’ studios and their role in understanding art history and…