Want a deeper dive into the world of historic artists’ homes and studios? Below you will find a selection of publications and websites focused on preserved artist spaces around the globe.
Other organizations
Artist’s Studio Museum Network – our sister organization, administered through Watts Gallery featuring and profiling studio museums in Europe.
ICONIC HOUSES – the international membership-supported non profit network connecting architecturally significant houses and artists’ homes and studios from the 20th century that are open to the public as house museums.
John Michael Kohler Arts Center – is known for promoting the understanding and appreciation of the work of self-taught and contemporary artists through exhibitions and commissioned works of art.
Kohler Foundation – supporters of the arts and education. Kohler Foundation focuses on art preservation, grants, scholarships, the Distinguished Guest Series, and the management of the historic home Waelderhaus.
SPACES Archives – Saving and Preserving Arts and Cultural Environments—is dedicated to the study, documentation, and preservation of art environments and self-taught artistic activity. A preservation project of Kohler Foundation.
General texts
Heather McPherson, Picturing The Artist’s Studio, From Delacroix To Picasso (Lund Humphries, 2024)
James Hall, The Artist’s Studio: A Cultural History (Thames & Hudson, 2022)
Iwoman Blazwick, Dawn Ades, Hammad Nasar, The Artist’s Studio: A Century of the Artist’s Studio 1920-2020: A Century of Creativity (London: Whitechapel Gallery, 2022)
Valerie Balint, A Guide to History Artists’ Homes and Studios (Princeton Architectural Press, 2020)
Anne Collins Goodyear, Frank H. Goodyear III, Michael K. Komanecky, At First Light: Two Centuries of Maine Artists, Their Homes and Studios (Rizzoli, 2020)
Louise Campbell, Studio Lives: Architect, Art and Artist in 20th Century Britain (Lund Humphries Publishers, 2019)
John Elderfield and Peter Galassi, In the Studio (New York: Gagosian Gallery, 2015)
Hossein Amirsadeghi, Art Studio America (London: Thames & Hudson, 2013)
Ann-Sophie Lehmann, Rachel Esner and Sandra Kisters (eds.), Hiding, Making, Showing, Creation: The Studio from Turner to Tacita Dean (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2013)
Margot Th Brandlhuber and Michael Buhrs (eds.), In the Temple of the Self: the Artist’s Residence as a Total Work of Art: Europe and America, 1800-1948 (Hatje Cantz, 2013)
Alex Coles, The Transdisciplinary Studio (Sternberg Press, 2012)
Jens Hoffmann (ed.), The Studio (Whitechapel Gallery; MIT Press, Documents in Contemporary Art, 2012)
Michael Gotkin and Don Freeman, Artists’ Handmade Houses (Harry N. Abrams, 2011). Freeman’s film ART HOUSE (2015) was a continuation of this publication, watch the trailer here.
Mary Jane Jacob and Michelle Grabner (eds.),The Studio Reader: On the Space of Artists (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2010)
Bodo von Dewitz, La Bohème: The Staging of Artists as Bohemians in 19th and 20th Century Photography (Steidl, 2010)
Charlotte Gere, Artistic Circles: Design and Decoration in the Aesthetic Movement (London: V&A Publishing, 2010)
M J Long, Artists’ Studios (Black Dog Publishing, 2009)
Giles Waterfield (ed.), The Artist’s Studio (London; Hogarth Arts, exh. cat., 26 September – 13 December 2009, Compton Verney; 9 February – 16 May 2010, Sainsbury Centre for the Visual Arts) – Giles was one of the founders of the Artist’s Studio Museum Network
Eamonn McCabe and Michal McNay, Artists and their Studios (Angela Patchell Books, 2008)
Brian O’Doherty, Studio and Cube: On the Relationship Between Where Art is Made and Where Art is Displayed (New York: Columbia University, 2007)
Alexander Sturgis, Rebels and Martyrs: The Image of the Artist in the Nineteenth Century (London: National Gallery Publishing, 2006)
Michael Cole and Mary Pardo, Inventions of the Studio: Renaissance to Romanticism (Chapel Hill; London, 2005)
Gérard-Georges Lemaire, Artists’ Houses (Vendome Press, 2005)
J. Wood, Close Encounters: the Sculptor’s Studio in the Age of the Camera (Leeds: Henry Moore Institute, 2001)
Martin Postle and William Vaughan, The Artist’s Model: From Etty to Spencer (Merrell Publishers, 1999)
Giles Walkley, Artists’ Houses in London 1764-1914 (Scolar Press, 1994)
Postle and M Bignamini, The Artist’s Model: Its Role in British Art from Lely to Etty (Nottingham: University of Nottingham; English Heritage, 1991)
J Milner, The Studios of Paris: Capital of Art in the Late Nineteenth Century (New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1990)
Michael Peppiatt and Alice Bellony-Rewald, Imagination’s Chamber: Artists and their Studios (Boston: New York Graphic Society, 1982)
Alexander Liberman, The Artist in his Studio (London: Thames & Hudson, 1969)
Foreign language texts
Anne Lafont (ed.), ‘L’atelier’, Perspective : actualité en histoire de l’art, 1 (2014)
Bodo Plachta, Künstlerhaüser: Ateliers und Lebenräume berühmter Maler und Bildhauer (Gebundene Ausgabe, 2014)
France Nerlich and Alain Bonnet, Apprendre à peindre : Les ateliers privés à Paris 1780-1863 (Les presses universitaires François Rabelais, 2013)
Hélène Rochette, Maison d’écrivains et d’artistes : Paris et ses alentours (Parigramme, 2012)
Anne Cartier Bresson, Dans l’atelier du photographe (Paris : Paris musées, 2012)
Ina Conzen et al., Mythos Atelier. Von Spitzweg bis Picasso, von Giacometti bis Nauman (Stuttgart: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, 2012)
Bodo von Dewitz, La Bohème: The Staging of Artists as Bohemians in 19th and 20th Century Photography (Steidl, 2010)
Mayken Jonkman and Rachel Esner, Mythen van het Atelier (Uitgeverij WBooks, 2010)
Gianna A. Mina and Sylvie Wuhrmann (eds.), Casa d’artisti, Tra Universo privato e spazio public case di artisti adibite a museo, (Ligornetto: Museo Vincenzo Vela, exh. cat. 9 – 11 October, 2009). Maarten Liefooghe’s article from this collection, ‘The Musealisation of the Artist’s House as Architectural Project‘ is also available to read online.
Bernhard Maaz, Im Tempel der Kunst: Die Künstlermythen der Deutschen (Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2008)
Peter Avondoglio and Erika Fremerey, Kunstens huse: fra Thorvaldsens til Trapholt (Dansk Arkitektur & Byggeeksport Centre, 1989)
Daniel Buren, trans. by Thomas Repensek, ‘The Function of the Studio‘, October, 10 (Autumn, 1979), pp. 51-58
Lizzie Darbishire, ‘The studios of celebrated Painters’: a series of portraits by John Ballentyne RSA’, Apollo, May 1998, pp. 21-27
Anna Maria Hall, Pilgrimages to English Shrines (London, 1850), with illustrations by F.W. Fairholt. The book concentrates on literary sites, but also includes a description of ‘shrines’ associated with William Hogarth (1697-1764) and Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788)