Historic Artists’ Homes and Studios was proud to serve as a co-sponsor of this event, along with the Iowa Arts Council. The convening took place on the campus of the University of Iowa and the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, steward of HAHS member site – the Grant Wood Studio. A recording of the symposium is available below.
Over the course of three days, we explored how artists’ environments reflected or shaped an artist’s output and how they can be considered independent works of art, in their own right.
A Home and Studio of One’s Own featured papers by several current and former staff members of HAHS sites – Victoria Munro, Alice Austen House (Staten Island, NY), Helen Harrison, Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center (East Hampton, NY), Lisa Stone, Roger Brown Study Collection (School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL); and one of our hosts, Sean Ulmer, the Grant Wood Studio (Cedar Rapids, IA).
Presentations by leading art historian colleagues featured several of our other member sites including Mercer Museum and Fonthill Castle (Doylestown, PA) and Georgia O’Keeffe’s properties in New Mexico (Georgia O’Keeffe Museum).
The symposium also included presentations by Valerie Balint, HAHS Director, and members of our Executive and Advisory Committees, including longstanding member, Karen Zukowski, and HAHS Advisory Committee Chair, Wanda Corn. Colleagues stewarding other preserved artists’ spaces (and potential future HAHS members) such as the Al Held Foundation, and the Edgar Miller Legacy also presented.