Traveling HAHS Photo Exhibition

N.C. Wyeth in mural studio. Courtesy of the Wyeth Family Archives.
Georgia O’Keeffe by Laura Gilpin (1891–1979), 1953. Gelatin silver print, 9 3/8 x 7 7/16 inches. ©1979 Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Fort Worth, TX, Bequest of the Artist, P1979.130.6.
Eddie Owens Martin in garb. Courtesy of Pasaquan, Columbus State University.
Dorothy Riester working in her studio, date unknown. Courtesy Stone Quarry Art Park.
Image from the HAHS photography exhibit installed at La Jolla Historical Society, 2023. Photograph by Pablo Mason.
Image from the HAHS photography exhibit installed at La Jolla Historical Society, 2023. Photograph by Pablo Mason.
Images from the HAHS photography exhibit installed at Frelinghuysen Morris House & Studio in 2022.
Image from the HAHS photography exhibit installed at La Jolla Historical Society, 2023. Photograph by Pablo Mason.

Preserving Creative Spaces is an exhibition of more than sixty photographs of the artists whose homes, studios, and landscapes are all members of the HAHS network.

These images of artists at home, working in their studios, in the landscape, or on their travels tell visual stories that deepen our understanding of their lives, their creative processes, and their art. Through them the viewer gains access to the artists’ private worlds – and allows entry into the act of artmaking, and in some instances the ability to see the objects, landscapes, and surrounding viewsheds that inspired these artists. Some of these images are candid shots of artists caught in moments of creativity, while others represent carefully posed portraits that conjure questions about self-fashioning and promotion of the artist-genius persona. The images in the exhibit have been selected by each respective site.