Oil Painting

Roger Brown
Roger Brown’s extensive collection of art––a mélange of objects from many cultures and genres––is preserved as an artists’ museum in an 1880s storefront building, modified by Brown into a studio, residence/collection, and garden, reflecting his aesthetic and suiting the needs of this late 20th century artist. Like stepping into the artist’s mind, the RBSC is a kaleidoscopic experience of objects arranged by Brown into a visual gesamtkunstwerk.
Thomas Hart Benton
All the rooms in the rambling bungalow of American Regionalist painter, muralist, sculptor, writer, and musician, Thomas Hart Benton, remain virtually as he left them, with his painting tools, supplies, and stretched canvas in the studio.
Demuth Museum Lancaster, PA
Charles Demuth
The Demuth Museum, located in the former home and studio of Charles Demuth, maintains a permanent collection of over 40 Demuth works, and an extensive archive, a library and rotating exhibitions. As a leader of the American Modernist movement, Demuth is best known as a pioneer of the Precisionist style and a master watercolorist. Standing in his studio, visitors can look out over the family’s garden and the city of Lancaster to see the very same views that inspired Demuth’s paintings.
Frederic E. Church
Olana is a 250-acre artist-designed landscape with a Persian-inspired house at its summit, embracing unrivaled panoramic views of the vast Hudson River Valley. The eminent Hudson River School painter Frederic Edwin Church designed Olana, his family home, studio, and estate as an integrated environment embracing architecture, art, landscape, and conservation ideals.
